Website Catalogue


AS RADIO – Internet radio created by students of the University of Economics in Katowice. Students and authors of AS Radio project at 101,2 FM in the Polish Radio Katowice are responsible for its implementation.


BLOG: MONIKA HADAŚ-DYDUCH – a long-time academic researcher and teacher of the University of Economics in Katowice.


CONSUME AWARE – international educational project entitled “Enhancing quality in innovative higher education about consumer awareness: Consume-aware” devised by: prof. Sławomir Smyczek, prof. Justyna Matysiewicz, mgr Marta Grybś-Kabocik and mgr Agnieszka Tetla, in cooperation with the Student Reserach Club “Awarenet Club” coordinated by Jakub Wolny, was financed through a competition organized by the European Commission within the framework of Erasmus+ Higher Education program as part of Strategic Partnerships activities.


DEMO – demo website of the Website Catalogue.


FAQ CZYLI NAJCZĘŚCIEJ ZADAWANE PYTANIA – a set of frequently asked questions and answers.


ETHICS RESEARCH-INTEREST GROUP – the Ethics Research-Interest Group operates at the Department of Public Management and Social Sciences of the University of Economics in Katowice.